Category Archives: Free Articles

CLINICAL SITUATION:  DIABETES Introduction Chronic illness refers to those diseases which are either long-lasting or persistent Disease that are chronic normally takes a period not less than three months.  These are thus diseases which   lead

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Proposed one-day workshop on the essentials of clinical teaching Overview of programme It is essential that clinical teachers understand and develop proper techniques necessary for facilitating clinical training sessions. Teaching in the adult context requires

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Clinical Work with Substance-Abusing Clients The purpose of conducting an interview is to gather as much information as possible about the person one is interviewing. The selection, interviewing techniques, communication strategies and types of questions

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Clinician Gender Bias and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Diagnosis Young 16-year-old Molly sits in her chemistry class, surrounded by her peers, yet feels utterly alone. Molly’s peers joke with the teacher and each other, shout

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Question 1: Discuss possible benefits and costs to both the client and yourself of working within a multi disciplinary team setting or with a primary care physician or as a sole practitioner. There are several

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Over the years, Clint Eastwood has made a name for himself in Tinseltown and around the world. He is also one of Hollywood’s famous stars. When people here his name, he is often associated to

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Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton was born on October 26, 1947 in Chicago, Illinois. The Senator is well educated from Wellesley College and Yale Law School. Senator Clinton is married to former President William (Bill) Jefferson

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Introduction Before Barrack Obama was formally named the Democratic Presidential Candidate recently, there was an alleged controversial electoral campaign ad by his then challenger Hillary Clinton that had swelled friction between the supporters of both

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Hilary Clinton and Organizational Culture             Every organization has a culture.  The shared experience of belonging to an organization, whether through employment, religious orientation, political affiliation or recreational interest will bear with it an array

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Clinton’s Economic Policy Introduction The United States is always considered a superpower in the global arena for its political, military and economic power. A strong economy is the key to growth and development of any

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