Ccot Christianity Outline Essay

Ccot Christianity Outline Essay

WHAP – Part B: Continuity and Change-Over-Time Essay
This essay inquiry trades specifically with analysis of continuities and alterations over clip and screens at least one of the periods in the construct lineation. It can turn to. for illustration. any of the class subjects. such as engineering. trade. civilization. migrations. or environment. There may besides be some internal pick within the inquiry. so that pupils are able to take to pull their grounds from a instance that they know better. The continuity and change-over-time essay inquiries require pupils to show their command of this historical thought accomplishment. Furthermore. pupils are expected to build an statement that responds straight to the inquiry ; making so should do them to utilize several of the other historical thought accomplishments ( debate. causing. contextualization. and synthesis ) . The generic marking usher for the continuity and change-over-time essay is shown below ; following that. on the following two pages. are a sample continuity and alteration over clip inquiry. the waies that appear in the AP Exam brochure. and a treatment of “What Good Responses Should Include. ”

Change-Over-Time ( CCOT ) Essay Generic Scoring Rubric
|BASIC CORE ( competency ) |0-7 Points | | ( Historical accomplishments and cognition required to demo competency ) | | |1. Has acceptable thesis |1 Point | | ( Addresses planetary issues and the clip period ( s ) specified ) | | |2. Addresses all parts of the inquiry. though non needfully equally or exhaustively |2 Points | | ( Addresses most parts of the inquiry: for illustration. addresses alteration but non continuity ) | ( 1 Point ) | |3. Substantiates thesis with appropriate historical grounds |2 Points | | ( Partially substantiates thesis with appropriate historical grounds ) | ( 1 Point ) | |4. Uses relevant universe historical context efficaciously to explicate alteration over clip and/or continuity |1 Point | |5. Analyzes the procedure of continuity and alteration over clip |1 Point | |Point Subtotal |7 Points | | | | |EXPANDED CORE ( excellence ) | | | ( Historical accomplishments and cognition required to demo excellence ) |0-2 Points | |Expands beyond basic nucleus of 1-7 points. A pupil must gain 7 points in the basic nucleus country before gaining points in the expanded nucleus | | |area. | | |Examples: | | |Has a clear. analytical. and comprehensive thesis | | |Analyzes all issues of the inquiry ( as relevant ) : planetary context. chronology. causing. alteration. continuity. effects. content | | |Addresses all parts of the inquiry equally | | |Provides ample historical grounds to confirm thesis | | |Provides links with relevant thoughts. events. tendencies in an advanced manner | | |Subtotal |/2 Points | |Total |/9 Points |

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CCOT – Continuity and Change Over Time Essay
Note that the sample continuity and change-over-time essay below is somewhat modified from the continuity and change-over-time essay on the 2010 AP World History Exam to do the subject of the inquiry more closely align with the AP World History Curriculum Framework. The clip allotted for this essay is 40 proceedingss. 5 proceedingss of which should be spent be aftering and/or sketching the reply.

Directions: You are to reply the undermentioned inquiry. You should pass 5 proceedingss forming or sketching your essay.

1. Write an essay that:
• Has a relevant thesis and supports that thesis with appropriate historical grounds. • Addresses all parts of the inquiry.
• Uses universe historical context to demo continuities and alterations over clip. • Analyzes the procedure of continuity and alteration over clip.

2. Analyze continuities and alterations in cultural beliefs and patterns in ONE of the undermentioned parts from 1450 to the present. • Sub-Saharan Africa
• Latin America/Caribbean

What Good Responses Should Include
A good response analyzes continuities and alterations in cultural beliefs and patterns in one of the stipulated parts [ Sub-Saharan Africa or Latin America/Caribbean ] . “Cultural beliefs and practices” is understood really loosely in universe history to include faith. doctrine. political orientation. scientific discipline and engineering. instruction. the humanistic disciplines. literature. and architecture. Students do non hold to turn to the full part. but all illustrations they provide must fall within the stipulated part. Because the cardinal undertaking in this inquiry calls for analysis of continuity and alteration. acceptable thesis statements need to turn to both. saying at least one continuity and at least one alteration. Acceptable thesis statements besides need to be explicit. non merely restatements of the inquiry or obscure statements such as “there were more alterations than continuities. ” They besides need to be relevant to the clip period. get downing in approximately 1450 and stoping sometime in the post– World War II 20th century.

A good response provides analysis of valid continuities and alterations in cultural beliefs and patterns. supported by specific pieces of grounds from the clip period. which provide back uping illustrations of continuity or alteration. For illustration. in footings of continuities. pupils could indicate to the continuance of the pattern of autochthonal faiths in either country and besides to the continuance of the spread of Christianity in either country or of the spread of Islam in Africa ; the ways in which migrators continued their civilizations in new environments ; the ways in which civilization was used by all types of leaders to back up political systems ; the ways in which linguistic communication. faith. and societal imposts provided a sense of designation. In footings of alteration. for the sixteenth and the 17th centuries. pupils could analyze the development of syncretistic signifiers of faith such as vodun or the cult of the saints. or the manner in which the Spanish and Portuguese swayers of Latin America used art and architecture to legalize their power.

For the eighteenth and 19th centuries. they could discourse the spread of Enlightenment idea in Latin America and the effects of this ; the impact of new racial political orientations. such as Social Darwinism. in Africa ; the development of chiliastic thoughts such as the Xhosa Cattle- Killing Movement ; the spread of anti-imperial. patriot. and communist political orientation in either country. For the 20th century. pupils could analyze the spread of the thought of human rights ; the formation of new cultural individualities. such as Negritude ; the ways faith was applied to political issues. such as fundamentalist motions and Liberation Theology ; the increasing globalisation of consumer civilization. Any of these illustrations would necessitate to be tied into the procedure of alteration and continuity. as would any play down information that pupils provide to put up their essays.

A good essay moves beyond a mechanistic “beginning. center. and end” format and provides solid chronological cognition across the full clip period. Further. pupils should believe about including day of the months in their essay to show that they have the ability to depict with some preciseness when continuity and alteration happened. Solid historical analysis explains the ground for or the impact of a specific continuity or a peculiar alteration. and a good essay provides specific treatment of cause and impact. For illustration. the statement “Nationalism grew in Africa in the twentieth century” is a solid piece of grounds about alteration. but binding this to a cause or consequence would bring forth this superior analysis: “Nationalism grew in Africa. which led to the overthrow of European imperiums. ”

An essay that efficaciously addresses universe historical context might depict an extra-regional connexion or a planetary procedure to explicate continuity or alteration in cultural beliefs or patterns. For this essay. pupils would necessitate to concentrate on specific planetary links relative to the inquiry. alternatively of concentrating on a similar state of affairs someplace else in the universe. For illustration. stating that “China and Brazil both had Jesuit missionaries” is a comparing. non a connexion. Arguing that “European Jesuit missionaries were proselytising in South America and winning converts. This happened in China as well” does. nevertheless. pull an extra-regional connexion because the term European Jesuits provides a specific mention demoing how European patterns affected South American beliefs.

A strong essay would show greater nicety and edification. including the relationship between alteration and continuity. It might observe. for illustration. that a alteration in the early portion of the long period covered in this inquiry became a continuity for the remainder of the period: The debut of Christianity was a alteration in Latin America/the Caribbean. but so Christianity’s presence and enlargement became a continuity. Similarly. patriotism developed as an political orientation beginning in the 18th century. but it so became a continuity and has remained so through the present. A specific illustration of syncretism. such as vodun. could be introduced as a alteration when it foremost developed. but the procedure of the syncretism of different beliefs. thoughts. or artistic signifiers is a continuity across the full clip period. The best essays will be those that do all of this. prosecuting their ain content cognition with the specific framing of the inquiry.

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