Forecasting the Adoption of E-Books Essay

Forecasting the Adoption of E-Books Essay

The size of the market for e-books in the long-run:
293. 7 million ten 46. 7 % ten 8 % = 10. 973 million
( Entire US population x per centum of US population reading literature x Percentage of traditional paper books purchased online in 2003 ) It will take 10 old ages to make 95 % incursion of the possible market.

Question 2
I predict that the sale of the e-book when it foremost became available is 0. 751milion ( autopsy ) ( Premise: each pioneer buy one book. )

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Question 3
The long-term entire acceptance of e-books would be 10. 973 million. ( Entire US population x per centum of US population reading literature x Percentage of traditional paper books purchased online in 2003 )

Question 4
I do anticipate the market for e-books tend to be guided by impersonators instead than pioneers. Harmonizing to the tabular array above. I found that the leaden norm for e-book of Q ( 0. 0684 ) is larger than P ( 0. 2990 ) . In add-on. the word of oral cavity takes an of import function in the acceptance of e-books. The information about the e-book from the pioneers contribute much to the acceptance of e-books since people tend to waver to alter their old reading wont.

Question 5
S ( T ) = [ p+ ( q/m ) N ( t-1 ) ] [ m-N ( t-1 ) ]
Year 1: [ 0. 0684+ ( 0. 2990/10. 973 ) Ten ( 0 ) ] [ 10. 973-0 ] = 0. 751 million Year 2: [ 0. 0684+ ( 0. 2990/10. 973 ) Ten ( 0. 751 ) ] [ 10. 973-0. 751 ] = 0. 908 million Year 3: [ 0. 0684+ ( 0. 2990/10. 973 ) Ten ( 1. 659 ) ] [ 10. 973-1. 659 ] = 1. 059 million Year 4: [ 0. 0684+ ( 0. 2990/10. 973 ) Ten ( 2. 717 ) ] [ 10. 973-2. 717 ] = 1. 176 million Year 5: [ 0. 0684+ ( 0. 2990/10. 973 ) Ten ( 3. 893 ) ] [ 10. 973-3. 893 ] = 1. 235 million

Question 6
The acceptance of e-book will be really different from digital music obtained online. The acceptance of e-books face more challenges when comparing to the acceptance of digital music. To most of the hearers. there is non much difference in experience between listening to a vocal from an iPod and a Cadmium participant. Therefore. they have a comparatively low exchanging cost and more willing to alter their wonts. On the contrary. to most of the readers. it is decidedly really different from reading an e-book to reading a printed book. The feelings of keeping a printed book and flipping over a physical book are unreplaceable. So readers are loyal to printed book and hesitate to exchange from traditional books to e-books. Hence. it is sensible to foretell that the gait of following digital music is faster than the gait of following e-books.

Question 7
I think both of the attitudes about reading and buying e-content have changed a batch in recent old ages. In the old clip. people could read e-content via Personal computer merely. Nowadays. people are able to read e-content through assorted nomadic devices. Therefore. they spend more clip on reading e-content particularly during leisure clip and even commuting clip. However. the quality of the reading attempt is decreasing as the overload of e-content available on Internet. In add-on. people tend to trust more on the e-content since it is really convenient. environmentally friendly. high mobility and high handiness.

For the attitude about buying e-content. more people are willing to pay for the e-content in recent old ages. The advanced on-line payment system plays an of import function. People feel more secure and besides convenient when covering online of all time than earlier. Furthermore. more well-known and large-scale publishing houses offer more picks of e-content for readers. Besides. in the visible radiation of the prevalent of nomadic device. people have more clip and opportunities to read the e-content regardless of the clip and topographic points. Therefore. people are more willing to pass on e-content than earlier. Question 8

The hardware plays a paramount of import function in the acceptance of e-books. No affair how astonishing the e-content is. the e-books would non be popularized if the hardware were non user-friendly. However. a good hardware is really likely to hike gross revenues of the e-books. It is because the hardware is a fixed cost while the e-books are the variable cost to the readers. A portable hardware with proper size of proctor and high capacity is really attractive to the readers. They no longer necessitate to neither transport the bulky printed books nor trim some topographic points for storage. Furthermore. the hardware enables readers to read comfortably when comparing to read via Personal computer or smart phone. It is good for the readers’ eyes. Last but non least. the hardware contributed to protecting the environment as it saves much paper. Merely when the hardware preforms better than the tradition printed books. the acceptance of e-books will be success.

Question 9
I do anticipate the size and besides the form of diffusion are rather different globally as compared to the United States. The size and the form of diffusion depend on many factors. Population. civilization. attitude to new merchandises. engineering and even literacy could be one of the variables of the size and form of diffusion. Take Africa as an illustration ; though the population size of Africa is much larger than The United States. the possible size of the market for e-books must be evidently different from the United States. So it is non hard to understand that the size and form of diffusion of assorted topographic points will non be similar to the United States.

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