Korean Creation Myth Essay

Korean Creation Myth Essay

Much as the African myth explicating the creative activity of its society included a speaking mountain God who one time lived on Earth ( Parrinder. African Mythology ) does my ain myth. based on Korean civilization. explicate the foundation of one society peopled with characters of strength and fortitude. Long before Earth was populated. Panther and Mouse lived in a cave high over a verdant vale in the part of Mount T`aebaeksan on the boundary line between Manchuria and what is now North Korea. There was H2O fluxing in the watercourses and sun polishing on the trees and grass but this was non plenty for Panther and Mouse.

Although they spent their clip playing games and singing vocals. they were lonely for extra company. The God of All and Ruler of Heaven Huan-an had a boy. Huan-gun. who was besides discontent with his ain life confined to the celestial spheres. He yearned to populate on Earth amongst the vales and the mountains. Huan-an agreed to honour his son’s wants based on the demand that he bring forth a population of worlds worthy of this great gift who would populate in the beautiful. cragged countryside of Mount T’aebaeksan in felicity.

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Panther and Mouse watched from their cave as Huan-gun arrived with his celestial curates who created clouds. rain. and air current to maintain the vale below green and exuberant. “I want to populate down at that place. ” said Mouse one twenty-four hours. scurrying to the border of his cave and watching Huan-ang’s work with great captivation. “and become human. ” “Then allow us travel down the mountain and talk to the God. ” suggested Panther. Huan-gun watched the two attack. The jaguar descended the mountain warily. watching where he placed his paws while the mouse scampered merrily in and out amongst the bowlders and trees.

They crossed the watercourse with Mouse hanging on to Panther’s back and stood before Huan- gun to plead their instance. “To become worlds you must first eat merely the herbs in this bag. ” Huan- gun handed the animate beings a leather satchel. “And you must return to your cave. remaining out of the sunshine and rain. for one hundred yearss directly. ” For the following two weeks. Huan- gun observed the advancement of the animate beings. He thought that certainly Panther would be strong and fearless and victory over Mouse to win the challenge he had presented.

But after merely 50 yearss. Panther emerged from the cave. winking his large black eyes in the Sun. “I can non make it. ” Panther declared. Huan-gun sent him back to the wood. After 100 yearss. Mouse came out of the cave. As sunshine touched Mouse’s organic structure. it was transformed into that of a beautiful adult female with long black hair and soft brown eyes. Huan-gun was pleased. Mouse had proved to be strong and possessed of great fortitude. He took the woman’s manus and together they lived in the vale. Huan-gun and his mortal married woman produced many kids and ruled the land with great compassion.

Huan-gun taught his boies and girls to populate within the Torahs of the land and a rigorous moral codification. From their female parent they learned to sing and do up games and to name upon their interior strength. When the civilisation was good and genuinely established. Huan-gun took his married woman and became God of the mountain. where he could go on to supervise his Earth. From high in the Heavens. Huan-an looked down at the handicraft of his boy and he was pleased. Works Cited Parrinder. Geoffrey. African Mythology. New York: Hamlyn Publishing Group. Ltd. . 196

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