Microsoft Office 2003 Clipart

Microsoft Office 2003 Clipart

Microsoft Office 2003 Clipart

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            As you’ve just noticed, Microsoft Clip Art 2003 Selection Screen is a lot different than “old” Microsoft Clip Art screens that were used in the 97 and 2000 versions.  There are a lot more pictures and some other unique features. Once you “get used to” the “2003 way,” you’ll see that this neat product were trying to assist you by having everything you need on the right side of the screen.

            Notice the small image in the lower right portion of the document or presentation – the image below indicates to Click icon to add content.  There are six “tiny” icons in this box that will allow you insert a table, chart, clip art, picture, diagram or a media clip.  For example, you want to insert a clip art image in this area.  So, carefully, move your cursor over the tiny image in the upper right corner of this little box (see arrow).  When you do, the box will be highlighted in blue and you’ll see a small text help box appear which indicates – Insert Clip Art. [1]

[1] Microsoft, “How to add clip art to Clip Organizer in Office 2003,” 27 Oct. 2006 <>.

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