Twayne’s Social Movements Essay

Twayne’s Social Movements Essay


It has frequently been said that the work of all good writers are shaped by the times through which they live. for with personal experience. the writer is given the alone ability to anneal even research of past events with their ain tests and trials. Such is the instance when looking at the work of the controversial writer Herbert Aptheker. whose alone historical position was influenced by his life experiences. political beliefs. and the altering universe around him. In this research. one of Aptheker’s polar plants. “Abolitionism: A radical Movement” will be the focal point. along with other plants of his being considered to add deepness to the research. every bit good as the facts of the life of this controversial writer himself.

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Author’s Thesis

Overall. Aptheker’s thesis. non merely in this work but in many others which he wrote in a really fecund calling. is that slave labour is a cardinal component which made it possible for the United States to be able to make the economic. military. and cultural highs that it did in less than a century from its foundation. and besides that slaves made it possible for many people to go affluent at the disbursal of people who merely had no say in the affair. Therefore. Aptheker maintains. there is a degree of reparation which the posterities of slaves are entitled to have. This thesis. it appears. has a significant footing in the political beliefs of Herbert Aptheker himself.

Further research into Aptheker the person has indicated that he. by many histories. was an professed Marxist and Socialist. and these beliefs tempered his analysis of the pattern of bondage. its abolishment. and the house belief that while slaves contributed a great trade to the promotion of American society. those who were slaves of class did non have their just portion of the fruits of their labours. and that slaves had a great trade more possible to recognize than what they did in their slave functions. and of class in many instances fulfilled their greatest potency merely after being freed from the bondage of bondage itself.

Aptheker’s thesis makes more sense. in fact. when it is compared to the thoughts of Marxism. which likewise proclaims that those who are enslaved by the wealthy in society must in fact lift up and claim their ain rightful piece of the fruits of labour. lest they be crushed under the pess of those who would utilize them for their musculus and attempt. without supplying them with merely compensation for the sum of work they have put in to whatever they are making.

Book Summary

“Abolitionism” is as unique a book as was the writer that wrote it. Overall. what the book succeeds in making is to turn over all of the conventional myths about the pattern of bondage in the early southern United States from several different positions. To get down. Aptheker challenges the myth that all of the people who lived in the southern United States in the old ages prior to the American Civil War were all strongly in favour of bondage.

Rather. Aptheker maintains in the book. those show supported bondage in the South were basically those who were able to profit financially from the pattern of bondage itself. such as the plantation proprietors who used immense Numberss of slave labourers in order to let for the harvest home of harvests in efficient and cheap ways. thereby maximising net incomes ( Aptheker ) .

Traveling frontward in Aptheker’s book. he so challenges the averment that those who fought for the Confederate States of America during the Civil War were all pro-slavery. Rather. Aptheker maintains. many of these persons were either interested in keeping freedom from what they saw as an progressively oppressive federal authorities. or merely to protect their places and households from the occupying ground forcess of the North.

Therefore. these were non slavery protagonists but were merely making what most people would make in a similar situation-protect their land and loved 1s. Additionally. the writer besides makes it clear that freed slaves could. and did. lend a great trade to the political clime of the United States. and were in fact extremely regarded by Whites. thereby wholly exposing the myth that one time a slave. ever seen as a slave by others ( Aptheker ) .

Ultimately. holding defeated many of the myths of American bondage. Aptheker moves frontward with his treatment of “Abolitionism” by discoursing how the slave labour of the early United States in fact helped to construct up the early United States. and since this advancement would non hold been possible without slaves. these same slaves. or more right the posterities of these slaves. are in fact entitled to fiscal reparations in a manner of counterbalancing them for the adversities inflicted upon them at the custodies of slave proprietors ( Aptheker ) .

Overall. what one sees in reexamining Aptheker’s book is a challenging of the misconceptions about bondage. the battle against bondage. and the wake. As was mentioned in earlier parts of this research. the author’s theories seem to hold been shaped as much by his life experience and political propensities as anything.

How the Author Wrote the Book

It was stated earlier in the research that Aptheker seems to hold relied to a great extent on his life experiences and political sentiments in the authorship of “Abolitionism” . and this is a more dependable fact when the book is looked at in a much closer mode. Beyond this. Aptheker besides utilized historical stuff in the signifier of primary stuffs to organize the foundation of his book. There is besides something much more of import that Aptheker used in the authorship of this peculiar book which makes it all the more alone and compelling.

This book was written in the concluding old ages of Aptheker’s life- a life which led him to analyze the human status. write and talk on it extensively. and dauntlessly province his sentiments on the subject. many times to his ain disadvantage. What this has done. nevertheless. is allowed an penetration that really few writers could of all time accomplish. and this comes through in this. and many other plants of Aptheker’s.

An Opinion of the Book

In one low sentiment. based on research. Aptheker’s book is a good researched. eye-opening work. every bit long as the reader keeps in head that the writer has a really specific political angle in composing it. However. it must besides be noted that the research worker was impressed by the fact that this book was able to dispute myths that are based on merely a few sentiments. and that Aptheker took the opportunity of utilizing established research. modern political theory. and logical decisions to set together non merely an historic work of research. but besides insightful societal commentary.


In this research. a controversial adult male and his insightful book about a controversial subject have been discussed and analyzed. More significantly. nevertheless. it seems that in the concluding analysis. Herbert Aptheker and his huge organic structure of work have forced all of us to take a closer expression at ourselves.

Puting aside what some would see to be Aptheker’s questionable political beliefs. what we see when looking at the adult male and his work with a healthy dosage of tolerance and regard for his point of position is a adult male who understood all excessively good the deepnesss to which the human head can plump in chase of its ain ends. how guiltless people can be hurt in the procedure. and besides how the battle against the constitution has taken topographic point in the past and must go on in the hereafter. In decision. possibly this is Aptheker’s most permanent bequest.

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