Coach Carter

Coach Carter

Coach Carter was a business man and former decorated player at Richmond High School, when he was asked to take over as head coach. The previous coach was retiring and in his last season had won only four games. The players were undisciplined, rowdy, and didn’t seem to have much skill. Through Coach Carter’s efforts, the team was completely turned around in his first coaching season, and made it to the championship game.

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Here’s a few principles that made it possible:

1. The Law of the Lid

John Maxwell’s principle states that everything rises and falls in leadership. This principle was proved to be especially true in this case. The old coach didn’t have it. Coach Carter had it. No other variable had changed. The players were the same. The only difference was the coach. This is why whenever a sports team has a bad season, the first person to go is the coach.

2. Structure and Direction

Coach Carter provided a level of structure that just did not exist before. The old coach was tired. Many of the players were failing classes, and the school system in place supported them playing even though they weren’t meeting the standard. Instead of urging and requiring his players to meet the standard, Coach Carter gave his players very clear structure and direction. He made them sign a contract with specific points of conduct that they had to maintain such as maintaining a 3.2 gpa, wearing jackets and ties on game day, and sitting on the front row of their classes. Because of this structure and direction the players were able to focus on the game.

3. Return to Fundamental Skills

According to Gordon Maxwell once someone has attained 10,000 hours of practice at something, one becomes very proficient at it. Coach Carter’s team did not have this much time to practice. But it was clear in the movie that he made a pointed turn to cover the basics of conditioning, shooting, plays, etc.

By applying these three principles of leadership, Coach Carter changed the entire team in the first season itself and made the team qualify for the championship games.


“Coach Carter (2005)”. Box Office Mojo. Retrieved on 2009-06-11.

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