IIFT Part Time MBA Essay

IIFT Part Time MBA Essay

1. Before presenting its inkjet pressmans. did HP hold to gauge the demand curve for them? Why or why non? Yes. because by gauging demand HP would hold an penetration whether their approaching merchandises were consumable in the market or non. It will besides give high spot the defects of bing merchandises in the full pressman household. The presence of competition will be a really of import factor for the launch of their inkjet pressmans as they would hold a competitory border in the market.

2. When analyzing Epson before traveling after the Japanese-dominated point matrix market. did HP attempt to find which factors would hold an of import influence on the demand curve for its merchandise? If so. what factors seemed to be peculiarly of import. Yes. The factors that seemed of import were –
Monetary value of the goods ( P ) – The inkjet pressman has to cheaper than other types of pressmans such as dot-matrix and optical maser. which would increase the demand of the merchandise

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Monetary value of related goods ( PR ) – Dot-matrix and optical maser pressmans were expensive ? Taste Pattern of consumers ( T ) – Consumers had no option other than utilizing available merchandises ( dot-matrix or optical maser pressman ) which had serious defects such as hapless print quality and colour. By taking this into consideration. HP will hold a competitory border by presenting ink-jet pressmans
Expected monetary value of the good in some future period ( Pe ) – With mass production and cost cuts. economic systems of graduated table could be achieved thereby diminishing the monetary value of the merchandise in the close hereafter Other than the above mentioned factors the presence of about no rivals. expected worsening monetary values of Personal computers every bit good as worsening consumer credence towards dot-matrix and optical maser pressmans gave HP an of import penetration while finding the demand curve for its inkjet pressmans.

3. HP cut the monetary value of its b/w pressman from $ 995 to $ 365. If the measure of such pressmans that it sold per twelvemonth increased tenfold. does this mean that the ( discharge ) monetary value snap of demand for this merchandise was approximately 1. 8? Why or why non?

4. Can the informations in the graph on page 70 be used to find the tendency in HP’s pressman market portion? What are the restrictions of these informations for such intents? Yes. the graph can be used to find the tendency of HP’s pressman market portion. From 1984 to 1989 the market portion grew at an norm of 30-50 % due to new merchandise launches and consistent upgradation and fluctuations in its full pressman portfolio. From 1989 to 1992 the growing was sulky between 5-10 % . But in the twelvemonth 1993 the growing rate was between 5060 % due to altering consumer penchants. monetary value of related goods. consumers income and expected future monetary value of the same merchandise.

5. If you were hired by HP to calculate how many inkjet pressmans it would sell following twelvemonth. how would you travel about making it? What information would you necessitate? What techniques would you utilize? How accurate do you believe your prognosis would be? I as a director would utilize the method of arrested development analysis to calculate sale. The information would be the Co-efficient for each factor set uping demand. testing of hypothesis and degree of assurance which would be more than 95 % .

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