One Flew Over The Cuckoo

One Flew Over The Cuckoo

& # 8217 ; s Nest & # 8211 ; Hero Essay, Research Paper

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One Flew Over the Cuckoo & # 8217 ; s Nest & # 8211 ; Hero

A hero is considered to be any adult male noted for efforts of bravery or aristocracy of intent ;

particularly, one who has risked or sacrificed his life. This describes one of the chief

characters in the extremely acclaimed novel, One Flew Over the Cuckoo & # 8217 ; s Nest, by Ken

Kesey. Randle McMurphy is the hero of this novel because he stood steadfastly against

oppressive powers, demoing bravery and finally paying with his life. There were no

heroes on the psychiatric ward before McMurphy & # 8217 ; s reaching. Nurse Ratched wielded

supreme power. No individual patient had the ability to stand against the unfairnesss to which

they were subjected. McMurphy united these patients. He gave them corporate bravery

and a sense that they could defy their tormentor. For illustration, Harding provinces, & # 8220 ; No 1 & # 8217 ; s

of all time dared to come out and state it earlier, but at that place & # 8217 ; s non a adult male among us that doesn & # 8217 ; t believe

it. That doesn & # 8217 ; t experience merely as you do about her and the whole business-feel it someplace

down deep in his frightened small soul. & # 8221 ; Not merely did McMurphy unify his friends, the patients ;

but he understood the enemy, the staff. He recogn

ized the ultimate authorization and

oppressive power of those in charge of the psychiatric ward. He besides knew that to defy

them would set himself at great forces hazard. McMurphy, nevertheless, took the hazard and

defended his fellow patients. For illustration, McMurphy says to the black male child who is

hassling George, & # 8220 ; I said that & # 8217 ; s enough buddy. & # 8221 ; McMurphy knew this confrontation would

hold rough effects, but he took the opportunity. In fact McMurphy took one excessively many

opportunities. This hero & # 8217 ; s terminal comes when he lashes out at nurse Ratched, faulting her for the

decease of Billy Bibbit. McMurphy demonstrated his feeling for Billy by his emotional

reaction to his decease, & # 8220 ; First Charles Cheswick and now William Bibbit! I hope you & # 8217 ; rhenium

eventually satisfied. Playing with human lives-gambling with human lives-as if you thought

yourself to be God! & # 8221 ; This outburst consequences in McMurphy holding a leukotomy and subsequently

deceasing. In decision, Randle McMurphy lost his life bravely supporting the other

patients. McMurphy had several opportunities to salvage himself, but chose alternatively to remain and

assist his fellow patients. McMurphy is a true hero and his Acts of the Apostless of courage and selfless

behavior turn out this.

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