The Meaning of Life Essay

The Meaning of Life Essay

Everyone admirations about the significance and intent of life. What is our beginning: development or creative activity? Should we seek material wealth. pleasance. and instruction. or are we here to function and honour God? Will we be judged for our lives and face ageless fates in Eden or snake pit? Please see the replies that can be found merely in the Bible. Introduction: What is the significance of life? Without uncertainty. this is one of the most ambitious. and yet one of the most cardinal. inquiries the head can see. Peoples throughout history have pondered the intent of life. Philosophers spin theories. Poets write vocals.

Young people drop out of society to “find out what it’s all about. ” Older people may stay within the “establishment. ” but they still wonder. Obviously life is existent. No 1 can deny that the universe exists and people exist. You live. eat. slumber. breathe. and move. But do you understand why you exist? Please see with me the disputing inquiry of life. What is it truly all about? To reply this inquiry. we will look at three specific inquiries. Question # 1: Where Did You Come From? How do you explicate the beginning of the human race? Since we are alive. it is natural to inquire where we came from.

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One ground many people are confused about the significance of life is that they do non understand the beginning of life. To cognize why we are here. we must cognize where we came from. Many Peoples Hold Mistaken Ideas about the Beginning of Life. A normally accepted account for the beginning of life is organic development – the hypothesis that adult male evolved from “lower animate beings. ” which in bend came from simpler life signifiers. all the manner back to the first microscopic life. which sprang by chance from inanimate affair. But this theory has major jobs. Where did the first life thing come from? What caused life to get down where there had ne’er been life before?

Science has repeatedly demonstrated that life comes merely from life. This is a jurisprudence of scientific discipline called the “Law of Biogenesis. ” The antonym of this jurisprudence would be self-generated coevals – life get downing spontaneously from inanimate affair. But scientific discipline has repeatedly proved this can non go on. So every life thing must come from a old life thing. You received life from your parents. who in bend received it from their parents. etc. The same is true for all living things. But development requires that. when you go back far plenty. inanimate affair somehow came to life by opportunity where there was no life earlier.

Development requires self-generated coevals in complete misdemeanor of scientific grounds. So development can non explicate even the beginning of the really first signifier of life. Where is the grounds that all modern sorts of life things came from an original sort? Populating things can accommodate to their environment. but where is the cogent evidence they can develop into wholly different sorts of beings such that all sorts came from one original sort? Old ages of human experience and scientific experimentation confirm that populating things reproduce “after their ain sort.

” The progeny of a fish is another fish. non a serpent. bird. or adult male. Scientists have searched for old ages for the “missing links” – dodos of beings that were midway between the sorts of workss or animate beings we have now. Millions of dodos have been found around the universe. If development is true. there should be 1000s of dodos of losing links. but there is no grounds of these remains anyplace. Why non? Why is adult male so alone from animate beings? If adult male evolved from animate beings and is truly an animate being but merely somewhat more complex. why do we have features so immensely different from animate beings?

Why do people appreciate beauty in art. music. and poesy? Do animate beings make new pictures. sculptures. symphonic musics. and books of poesy that they and other animate beings can bask? Why do work forces hold a scruples and a sense of ethical motives? Why do we experience guilty when we have done incorrect. even when we have non been caught or punished? Do animate beings of course possess these religious qualities? Why do merely people wonder about such issues as where we came from? Do animate beings debate even such issues as creative activity vs. development? Why do we possess rational thought so much higher than animate beings?

We can happen infinitesimal fluctuations in grades of “intelligence” among animate beings. but there is a huge gulf between any animate being and adult male. Men build machines and tools to work for us. train animate beings. usage fire. execute mathematic and scientific computations. read and compose. and go through our cognition on to others. If we developed from the animate beings. why are at that place no animate beings that possess these features about every bit much as we do? If we develop from the animate beings. why are we so different from them? Development is non an equal account. See the Bible Explanation for the Origin of Life. Genesis 1:11. 12. 21-28.

All sorts of life were originally created by God in six yearss. God is an ageless. life. all-wise. almighty Creator ( californium. Exodus 20:11 ; Hebrews 4:4 ) . Alternatively of life coming from inanimate affair. life came from life – the everlastingly living God. Populating things reproduce after their ain sort. because God created them that manner. And adult male is unlike the animate beings. because he is “in the image of God. ” We did non germinate from animate beings. but we portion God’s nature. Acts 17:24. 25. 28 The universe and everything in it were made by God. He is the beginning of life and gives all the approvals that are necessary to life.

Here is an account for the beginning of life that fits what we see around us. fits the nature of adult male as compared to animate beings. and we will see that it provides a hearty account for the significance to life. There is sufficient grounds to oblige any honest individual to believe God exists and the Bible is His word. We do non hold clip here to analyze all the grounds. but we encourage those who have uncertainties to look into it. We merely observe that the Bible account makes far more sense than any other alternate. and that those who do non accept the Bible truly can non satisfactorily explicate their ain being!

If you would wish to analyze grounds for the inspiration of Scripture or for creative activity vs. development. delight see the links at the terminal of this survey. Question # 2: Why Are You Here? Do you truly understand why you exist? Surely this is a cardinal inquiry that everyone wants answered. Without meaningful ends. life is mindless and empty. Lack of purpose leads to sadness and even mental upsets. Peoples need a sense of fulfilment and achievement in life. Many Peoples Are Mistaken about the Purpose of Life. This is one effect of development. If organic development is true. so there is no intent in life.

Life is an accident. and people search in vain for any significance to it. So. many conclude that there is no higher intent than to do life gratifying for themselves and others. Some pursue wealths and material ownerships. They believe material things will do life happy and pleasant. But so they ever want more: a bigger house. newer auto. nicer apparels and furniture. etc. They are ne’er satisfied. All people need some material goods. but is this the highest end of life? Some pursue pleasance: amusement. diversion. travel. etc. Their end in life is “fun. merriment. merriment. ” “Wine. adult females. and song” ( or “drugs. intoxicant. and free love” ) .

“Be a party animate being. ” “Eat. drink. and be merry. for tomorrow we die. ” This doctrine is emphasized by modern amusement. It is the beer-commercial outlook: “You merely travel around one time. so make for all the relish you can. ” “It doesn’t get any better than this! ” One of them even names its beer “High Life. ” But does life truly non hold any better intent than to drink it up? Many modern entertainers have achieved “the high life” to the ultimate. but are they happy? If so. why are so many of them plagued by drug and intoxicant dependence. divorce. mental dislocations. early deceases. and suicide?

Is that truly a fulfilling life? Some pursue instruction. They want to roll up cognition and worldly wisdom. Like the Athenians. they spend their clip in nil else than to hear or state some new thing. In all these countries. there may be some wholesome activities that may hold some benefit. But is there truly no higher end in life than these? Whatever benefits they activities provide are impermanent and uncomplete at best. No affair how much you have. you ever want more. In fact. modern Americans have achieved these ends to a degree beyond the imaginativeness of most people of the universe and of history.

We have appliances and playthings. houses and lands. college grades. and every sort of amusement conceivable. But do you see grounds that Americans in general are genuinely satisfied with life? Society is filled with offense. broken relationships. mental unwellness. dependence. and unhappiness. Politicians profess to see “crises” on every manus. Many people in the universe ne’er achieve these ends. And those who do accomplish them are still looking for the intent of life. There must be something more. The Bible Teaches the True Purpose of Life Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 ; 12:13. 14.

The writer experienced every enjoyment of life that some people pursue: wealth. pleasance. and instruction every bit great as anyone who of all time lived. Make it fulfill? What was his decision? It was all “vanity and annoyance of spirit” ( 2:11 ) . The earthly chases that most people emphasize merely do non fulfill in the terminal. What is the existent intent of life? “Fear God and maintain His commands” ( 12:13 ) . God created adult male. because He had a intent for us to carry through. And He designed us so that. unless we fulfill that intent. we have no existent sense of achievement. Alternatively we create jobs for ourselves.

What would go on if you tried to bake lasagne in the apparels drier? What if you tried to run your auto on Jell-O alternatively of gasolene? What if you tried to eat with a shovel and pitchfork alternatively of spoon and fork? What if you tried to cut down your lawn with fingernail limiters? Problems frequently result when things are created for one intent. but we try to utilize them for a wholly different intent. Likewise. our lives are non satisfactory when we do non carry through the intent we were created for. Matthew 6:19-21. 24. 33 Our chief concern in life must be to work in God’s land and have a right relationship with Him.

Other concerns may hold some value but are far less of import. Note v24. You can hold merely one maestro. You can non set two things in first topographic point in your life. God requires that functioning Him must be the most of import thing in life to us. Each of us must do a pick. Either God will be foremost. or something else will be foremost. Matthew 22:36-39 The most of import work God intends for us to carry through life is to love God and love our fellowman. John 14:15 – But love for God requires us to obey Him ( 1 John 5:2. 3 ) . 1 Corinthians 14:37 – God’s bids are revealed in the Bible.

Lasting fulfilment in life comes merely from obeying God’s word and thereby functioning God and adult male. We will non discourse here all that is involved in functioning God. but we merely stress the importance of understanding our intent in life. Until you understand the instruction of the Bible. you do non truly understand the intent of life. ( See besides 1 Timothy 6:6-10 ; Luke 12:15-21. ) III. Question # 3: Where Are You Traveling? Make you understand what comes after decease? You may or may non experience that your life on Earth is unafraid. but what happens when you decease? What will your fate be when life is over?

Many Peoples Are Confused or Unsure about What Comes after Death. We can be certain that decease is coming. We may non wish it. but decease is a fact of life. * Sometimes people contract malignant neoplastic disease or bosom disease that is diagnosed as terminus. But. “Life is a terminal disease. ” No 1 stays here for good. * Criminals are sometimes given a decease sentence for their offenses. But we all live under a decease sentence! * In college a hippy type roomed in the same house I did. He subscribed to Time magazine. and one twenty-four hours when the mail came we kidded him stating. “Your Time has come!

” He became disquieted. But sooner or later. for every one of us. “Your clip will come. ” Death is unsure merely in that we do non cognize when or how it will come. But there can be no uncertainty that it will come. Death is sad and fearful for many because they do non cognize what lies beyond. Or worse yet. they do cognize and are non ready to confront it! Sooner or subsequently. we all must confront decease. What so? Science does non even seek to reply this inquiry! Philosophers or spiritual leaders sometimes speculate that we cease to be at decease or that we will be reincarnated. But they have no cogent evidence.

Here is another major inquiry of life for which. apart from the Bible. you can non cognize the existent reply. The Bible Tells Us What Follows Death. Hebrews 9:27 – It is appointed to adult male one time to decease. so comes the judgement. Jesus may come before we die ; but if we die foremost. we will be raised from the dead when He returns. Either manner. we will confront God and be judged for our lives. good or bad. Someday. God will keep every one of us accountable for whether or non we have accomplished the intent for which He created us. [ John 5:28. 29 ; Ecclesiastes 12:14 ; 2 Corinthians 5:10 ] Matthew 25:31-46 – At.

judgement. the righteous will inherit the land prepared for them by God ( v34 ) . This is ageless life ( v46 ) . The wicked will travel into ageless fire ( v41 ) . This is ageless penalty ( v46 ) . Romans 2:6-11 – What determines the wages we receive? Our plants. We receive wrath if we work evil and make non obey truth. We receive ageless life if we continue to work good. Our ageless fate depends on whether or non we carry through our Maker’s intent! You may inquire. “How do you know we don’t cease to be after decease? How do you know we won’t be reincarnated? How do you know we will be raised and judged?

” Acts 17:30. 31 – We can cognize what comes after decease because Someone has already died and come back to state us what comes after decease. In fact. He will be the One to judge our lives! [ 1 Cor. fellow. 15 ] The Resurrection of Jesus. the miracles of the Bible. and the fulfilled prognostication of Bible are the cogent evidence that the Bible is from God. If the Bible is from God. so we can be certain it tells us the beginning and intent of life and our fate after life. Conclusion Since you will be judged for whether or non you have accomplished your Maker’s intent. delight see farther: How can you have ageless life?

Romans 3:23 – The job we all have is that at times we have failed to make the Creator’s will. We are all guilty of wickedness ( 1 John 1:8. 10 ) . What can be done about that? The good intelligence is that Jesus came and died to forgive your wickednesss ( Romans 5:6-10 ; 6:23 ; John 3:16 ) . To have this forgiveness. you must be willing to populate the remainder of your life in His service – “Repent. ” Acts 2:28 ; 22:16 – If you come to Christ believing in Him. squealing Him. and being baptized. He will forgive you and do you a new animal so you can hold ageless life ( Romans 6:3. 4 ; Mark 16:16 ; 2 Corinthians 5:17 ; 1 Corinthians 15:58 ) .

Why continue life without look intoing God’s manner for your life? Suppose you are about to purchase a house. but a friend promises you that he knows that house and it is in awful form in ways that are non obvious. Suppose he assures you that you are about to pay 1000s of dollars more than the house was deserving. Would you disregard the friend’s advice. or would you look into? In a similar manner. we are reding you in love that populating life apart from obeisance to God may look enjoyable and attractive. but in the terminal it will take to catastrophe. Surely you need to look into before it is excessively late!

Someday you will wish you had lived your life for God. If you are non populating it for Him now. we urge you to happen out what His will requires of you. If you already know. we urge you to obey while you have chance. The Bible has the reply to the most of import inquiries of life. There is no demand to travel through life inquiring “what it is all about. ” Why non happen out and get down to populate harmonizing to the intent for which you were made? Note: If you would wish to analyze further about life after decease. ageless fates or other related Bible subjects. we have a figure of other survey stuffs on our web site that should involvement you.

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