The relationship between public policing and private security

The relationship between public policing and private security

1. How does policing relates to court processes and how do those processes relate to both the institutional community components of the corrections systems?

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It is the police who will enforce the law and the court to determine who is guilty or not on the basis of the evidence gathered by the police. And after the court processes, the guilty or the convicted individual will serve a prison term. Which is a part of the corrections systems, that is to give hope to the person after serving a prison term that he will start a new life and become a much better person.

This is to consider that the court will not commit a mistake and has convicted the right person, this is necessary because that person must be able to realize that he violated a law and must serve a prison term as a punishment. For such, that will make him aware and never violate any laws again.

These processes serve as a way to make a much better community and to ensure peace and order. But not all people thinks similarly, as the law as an institution which is for the whole community and there are people who acts contrarily. Whom could be considered as the enemy of the state.

2. What is and should be the relationship between public policing and private security and how much of those activities should be privatized?

The police is enforcing law and order for the whole community while the private security is serving a certain individual or people. That is to guard their person and properties according to law.

Anybody could hire a private security but you have to pay a certain amount and for a certain task or activity but in accordance to our established laws. That means our laws cannot give an exemptions to anybody because all of our activities are limited with certain laws we have to obey and the police to enforce.

The relationship between public policing and private security, the police is enforcing the law while a private security is performing a certain activity with the instructions of the person or people who hired and paid him. And both are performing their jobs in accordance with our laws.


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