Answering Some Questions

Answering Some Questions

1.      In high school, I remember a particular assignment in geometry.  I was up the whole night working on it until one in the morning to no avail.  Too drowsy to go on, I whispered a prayer imploring God for help.  It was the most peaceful night I ever had.  That morning, even before I have washed myself, I was scribbling the solution for my assignment in about 5 minutes.

2.      I learned that a proper schedule of one’s activities should be followed with discipline.  Time set aside for work should be devoted to work; time for family is for family; and time for church is for church.  It is hard to stick to one’s schedule since many things come up within short notice, despite allowances, but with constant practice, discipline and His help, I believe it can be done.

3.      Scheduling my activities regularly helps me in managing my time.  With a schedule, I can see a physical listing of what I need to face on a particular day and time.  This way I don’t have to strain my memory trying to remember appointments.  This list also allows me to see when I have a free time, permitting me to insert last minute appointments without cancelling my previous commitments.

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4.      The internet is a good way to spread God’s word.  Practically everyone in the world, nowadays, has at least one email address.  Through emails, we could share with people in our mailing lists, experiences (either ours or others) that have been blessed by Divine grace.  It could also be a way of reaching out to people who might simply just want someone to “talk to” on a personal level.

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