Computer and network infrastructure attacks: voip

Computer and network infrastructure attacks: voip

Computer and network infrastructure attacks: voip

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Description of the attack

            In June a person from Miami was charged with defrauding 15 VOIP service providers by hacking into the networks and then reselling VOIP calls. (Liu, 2006). Having first hacked into the networks, Edwin Pena the alleged hacker infiltrated the infra structure, connecting the same to a proxy server and resold calls to customers.

The individual attacked the network by using a common code cracking method known as brute force which penetrated the network by identifying and exploiting the holes in the system till it gained access. Thereafter he hacked into the computers of Rye Brook and set up proxy servers which were attached to the VOIP carriers. They then forwarded the calls between the servers and the service providers through two companies Miami Tech and Consulting and Fortes Telecom put up to collect the call charges.

Impact of the attack

            The commercial impact of the attack was said to be over $ 1 million in services which were stolen by these individuals. (Materna, 2006). However the larger threat was that of the vulnerability of VOIP networks to not only spoofing but also intrusion and spamming.  It is reported that $ 300 billion has been invested in such networks on which traffic density is heavy. (Dincerler, Et Al, 1997). The commercial impact may thus be considered as a demonstration of vulnerability and the ease with which attacks can be carried out opening the way for others to jump in the fray.

Detection Mechanism(s)

            The first aspect of detection is recognition that VOIP networks are telecommunication networks requiring special security measures. (Dincerler, Et Al, 1997). The large number of components in a VOIP network also implies that the cost of security will be considerable. (Terrill, 2003).  Thus detection mechanism has to ensure that security measures adopted have to be unique to the VOIP networks, telecom specific and are not cost prohibitive. A VoIP vulnerability assessment of all components needs to be carried out before deploying the system and once deployed periodic assessments should continue. Over dependence on firewalls is said to be one of the key reasons for the possibility of increase in network attacks. In VOIP firewalls have to be integrated with the VOIP specific systems. A perimeter as well as internal network protection system should be deployed. (Materna, 2006. Intrusion detection is an essential facet. Service providers also have to ensure that right application layer security is deployed to identify the spoofed VOIP traffic and finally in case the attack takes place the carrier has to have capability of finger print detection to analyze the anomalies. (Materna, 2006).


1.      Dincerler, Goktekin, Et Al. 1997. Attackers versus Incumbents: The Battle for Value in an IP-Networked World. The McKinsey Quarterly. Issue: 4.1997.

2.      Terrill, Bill. 2003. Network Infrastructure Virtualization-The Next Step: The Concept of Network Virtualization Has Been around for More Than a Decade, but It’s Being Ratcheted Up. Business Communications Review. Volume: 33. Issue: 9.

3.      Materna, Bogdan.  .2006. (25 September 2006).

4.      Liu, Robert. 2006. Hacking Scheme, Arrests Highlight Embryonic State of VoIP Security. (25 September 2006).


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