How is managing a club different from managing a hotel?

How is managing a club different from managing a hotel?

How is managing a club different from managing a hotel?

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The differences in club and hotel management include the scale of operations, operational mix, customer loyalty, culture as well as legal aspects and company organization. The club being a voluntary association of members unlike a hotel is governed by bye laws and by a memorandum of assoication .  Clubs are governed by rules of membership, funds raising, and financial management whereas a hotel is managed based on rules of commercial establishment. The scale of operations in boarding facilities is generally limited in clubs, while food and beverage operations may be similar in nature. Building loyalty and culture is totally different in a club, which is based on a more informal relationship between the members.

b. How is managing an athletic club different from managing a private country club?

An athletic club combines the skills of sports and club management. An athletic club will necessitate provisioning a large number of sports facilities either in a particular sport or a variety of sports. The theme of an athletic club is essentially sports while that of a private country club may include sports but also includes other recreational facilities such as restaurants, picnics, entertainment and fashion events and so on. A country club may also offer lodging and boarding facilities while an athletic club need not do so while it may be affiliated to a large stadium or a sports complex.

c. Does your company’s expertise in operating airport and economy hotels line up with the skill set and knowledge base necessary to run an athletic club? A country club?

The skill sets and knowledge of club management is in general similar to that of operating airports and economy hotels. It would however require increased specialization which can be acquired. The matching is closer to country clubs rather than athletic clubs for which additional sports management skills will have to be acquired or personnel with the same incorporated in the management.

d. Consider the management aspects of the situation. Do you think your company should pursue the athletic club option, the country club option, or neither? Why?

The country club option will be preferable as the management skills which are existing in the company in terms of hotel management are more aligned to that required in country clubs rather than athletic clubs. The investment required in creating athletic facilities both in terms of real estate as well as other facilities will also be higher while acquisition costs for a country club will be much lower.


1.      Club Management Tools. 2006. (10 August 2006).

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